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Leggi: Thank you so much visto turistico News

Thank you so much visto turistico

Grazie tanto, con vostro aiuto mia moglie è arrivata in Italia in poco tempo. Serio e veloce.

Maka R. Algeria

Leggi: Servizio visto turistico eccellente News

Servizio visto turistico eccellente

Grazie dell'ottimo servizio reso. Eccellente agenzia, seria e puntuale, sono riuscita ad orientarmi a meraviglia tra i visti, senza alcun problema. Lo consiglio vivamente!

Luana R.

Leggi: Why do I have to be fingerprinted again when I gave my biometrics overseas as part of my visa/entry clearance application? News

Why do I have to be fingerprinted again when I gave my biometrics overseas as part of my visa/entry clearance application?

This is to verify that an individual making an application is the same person who applied for the visa overseas and who came through the border.

Do chi

Leggi: What happens if I refuse to give my biometrics? News

What happens if I refuse to give my biometrics?

If an applicant fails to make arrangements to provide their biometrics their application will be rejected.

Leggi: What about any medical or physical conditions that may require to provide the applicant with special arrangements? News

What about any medical or physical conditions that may require to provide the applicant with special arrangements?

If you or any dependents who are applying with you have a medical or physical condition which may require special arrangements to be made in order for your biometric features to be recorded, you must obtain a letter or other document giving the details of any

Leggi: How long does it take? News

How long does it take?

The biometric enrolment process takes up to 10 minutes. There may be a short wait while we check your data.

Leggi: What happens when I enroll my Biometrics information? News

What happens when I enroll my Biometrics information?

Enrolling your biometric information is a quick and clean process. We use the photograph submitted to us on the application for a facial scan, then you put your fingers on a glass screen to be scanned - there is no ink or mess. We are aware of the need to prot


Leggi: Why must I give my biometrics as part of my application? News

Why must I give my biometrics as part of my application?

Providing biometrics helps to protect the identities of genuine applicants. It is easier for individuals to prove their identity and their travel status. It helps the Schengen countries tackle immigration abuse and identity fraud just to name a few.

Leggi: Who has to apply for the Biometrics? News

Who has to apply for the Biometrics?

Foreign nationals from outside the European Economic Area visiting the Schengen countries

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